Strange Symphony. Photographs, 2021. © Jorge Albella.
The limitless variety of plants, animals and microorganisms that make up the forest, give rise to a whole cosmos in which - despite its complexity - everything works in harmony.The different species of trees also interact by helping each other, sending nutrients, water, carbon and even signals, through the subsoil, where fungal threads connect the roots of the trees, (as Suzanne Simard, professor of Forest Ecology at the University of British Columbia, has discovered after decades of studies.)
The harmony of this cosmos of living beings, is the wheel that continues since millions of years, in which each creature has its own function, taking part as a member of a great band that originates the eternal symphony.
For most human beings who live in cities or modern areas, where the struggle for production and survival (within our cultural canons) is inevitable, this “symphony” sounds strange, because any natural factor from any organism, or from the human beings themselves that alters our habitat “competing” for resources, feels like an “invasion” to fight, or a conflict which could easily bring us into chaos.
Perhaps after enjoying the beauty of the strange symphony of the forest, for its colors, its forms, its immensity, humans should also learn a little from it, if we want that our habitat will continue in harmony and for a long time.
After many years living in Berlin, I had the wonderfull possibility to take trains and scape around Brandenburg forests. It´s a perfect place to have endless walks by paths, meditating, observing the dark deepness of the forest and listening to the sounds of the naturele.
All photographs were taken in Brandenburg, Chiapas (Mexico), Peruvian Amazonia and Spain.